Ansible for Windows

Posted on 2016-05-31 in blog

A co-worker of mine is using Ansible to manage some windows hosts. I set up my own environment to do some testing for him. Recently released Ansible 2.1 has some new features for Windows management so I installed this from epel-testing. sshpass is also required.


On CentOS 7:

sudo yum -y --enablerepo epel --enablerepo epel-testing install ansible sshpass

You will also need pywinrm as well:

sudo pip install pywinrm

Configure Windows Clients

I followed the Windows System Prep guide on The first suggestion is to run a powershell script on each Windows host. I have no reason to believe Ansible would be mailicious but I don't like the idea of running this script without needing to. Getting started, we only need to verify that powershell 3.0.0 or later is installed and that the WinRM service is installed and running. Open powershell and run the following commands:

Get-Service "WinRM"

If powershell is too old or the WinRM service is not installed or not running, remedy these before moving on.

Create a local administrator account for Ansible to use.

Configure Ansible

Change to /etc/ansible and modify the "hosts" file. Declare a [windows] group and list one or more Windows hosts.


Create the /etc/ansible/group_vars directory and create a "windows.yml" file in it. This will describe the local account to use, password, and connection settings.

ansible_user: ansible
ansible_password: secret_password
ansible_port: 5985
ansible_connection: winrm

Port 5985 is the default http port for WS-Management. We can switch to 5986 after an SSL certificate is arranged and installed.

The Results

That should be all we need. On the control server issue the following command:

ansible windows -m win_ping | SUCCESS => {
    "changed": false,
    "ping": "pong"
} | SUCCESS => {
    "changed": false,
    "ping": "pong"